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You can generate a coverage report for a Fuzz Test with the cifuzz coverage command:

cifuzz coverage [--option...] <fuzz test>

For the syntax of the <fuzz test> argument see this section.


The cifuzz coverage command supports the following command specific options:

--add-corpus <path>Path to a directory containing inputs to be used for calculating code coverage
It is used in addition to inputs found in the inputs directory of the Fuzz Test
This flag can be used multiple times
--build-command <command>Command to build the Fuzz Test for other build systems
--build-jobs uint[=0]Maximum number of concurrent processes to use when building
If argument is omitted the native build tool's default number is used
--build-onlyOnly build the Fuzz Test and don't execute it
--clean-command <command>The command to clean the Fuzz Test and its dependencies for other build systems
--engine-arg <argument>Command-line argument to pass to the fuzzing engine
This flag can be used multiple times
Not supported for Node.js projects
-f, --format <format>Output format of the coverage report
e.g. html lcov
-o, --output <path>Output path of the coverage report
-p, --project <name>The name of the CI Fuzz project you want to start a fuzzing run for, e.g. "my-project-c170bc17"
--project-dir <dir>The project root which is the parent for all the project sources
Defaults to the directory containing the cifuzz.yaml
-r, --resolveArgument of the command is a path to a source file instead of a test identifier.
The path can be either absolute or relative to the current working directory
and will be resolved to the identifier of the corresponding Fuzz Test.

All supported global options are documented in Learn CI Fuzz.

IDE Integration

CMake in CLion

You can start coverage runs from within CLion by adjusting your CMakeUserPresets.json with the following command:

    cifuzz integrate cmake

You have to enable those presets before they show up as a run configuration. See the CLion documentation on presets detection for more details.

CMake Fuzz Test in CLion

Bazel in IntelliJ

To create a coverage report for your Bazel project in IntelliJ, install the Bazel plugin and add the following lines to your .bazelrc file:

# Coverage with Replay (C/C++ only)
coverage --@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:cc_engine=@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing/engines:replay
coverage --@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:cc_engine_instrumentation=none
coverage --@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:cc_engine_sanitizer=none
coverage --instrument_test_targets
coverage --action_env=BAZEL_USE_LLVM_NATIVE_COVERAGE=1
coverage --action_env=GCOV=llvm-profdata
coverage --action_env=BAZEL_LLVM_COV=llvm-cov
coverage --combined_report=lcov
coverage --experimental_use_llvm_covmap
coverage --experimental_generate_llvm_lcov

You can start a coverage run by opening the projects BUILD.bazel file and executing the Fuzz Test defined with cc_fuzz_test with "Run ... with Coverage". This runs the Fuzz Test with the Finding inputs from the *_inputs directory and produces a coverage report which you can view in your IDE if the Fuzz Test passes.

Bazel Fuzz Test in Intellij

Maven/Gradle in IntelliJ

You can start a coverage run directly by executing the Fuzz Test with "Run ... with Coverage". This runs the Fuzz Test with the Finding inputs from the *Inputs directory in your test resources and produces a coverage report.

Maven/Gradle Fuzz Test in Intellij

CMake/Maven/Gradle in VS Code

You can start coverage runs from within VS Code with the help of tasks. You can add a custom cifuzz coverage task by running:

    cifuzz integrate vscode

The created task can then be executed in VS Code.

CMake Fuzz Test in VS Code

To visualize coverage reports you can use the Coverage Gutters extension.

Bazel in VS Code

CI Fuzz doesn't support starting a coverage run directly from VSCode for Bazel, but you can visualize a created coverage report with the Coverage Gutters extension. The extension requires a file which can be created with the following flags for the cifuzz coverage command:

cifuzz coverage --format lcov --output <Fuzz Test>